Terms and Conditions

Dog groomers & clients contract 

This dog grooming service agreement is entered into between Lisa morgan , hereinafter referred to as the " groomer," and yourself the " client " collectively referred to as the parties. "

Medical conditions 

The client shall inform the groomer of any medical conditions , allergies , sensitivity, or pre-existing health issues that the dog may have. The groomer reserves the right to refuse services if the dogs health is compromised. 

Booking and service pricing 

Service bookings shall be made in advance and are subject to availability.  The pricing for services is as agreed between parties and shall be outlined in the pricing services list. Any additional services beyond the chosen package may result in extra charges,  which will be communicated to the client prior to appointment the final pricing shall be agreed upon by both parties before the grooming session.

Payment and fees 

Payment for services rendered is due at the time of the service . The groomer accepts bank transfers,  card payments and cash . Any additional services provided beyond what is initially agreed upon may result in extra charges.

Clients responsibility 

The client shall ensure that their dog is in good health and has been properly vaccinated. The client shall also disclose any behavioural issues their dog may have to ensure the safty of both groomer and the dog.

Pet groomers responsibility 

The groomer will preform the agreed upon grooming service with care and expertise. However the groomer cannot be held liable for complications airing due to pre existing health conditions or for the dogs reaction to grooming procedures.


The client agrees to provide atleast 48hrs of cancellation prior to appiontment . Failure to do so may result in a cancellation fee of which will be the full cost of the groom booked in.

Aggressive behaviour 

If the dog exhibits aggression behaviour that poses a threat to safety of the groomer or other animals , the groomer reserves the right to stop the grooming process immediately and the client may be charged for the spent.

Emergencies and accidents 

In the event of an emergency or accident during grooming the groomer will make reasonable efforts to contact the client.  Of the client cannot be reached the groomer may seek veterinary care for the dog and the client agrees to cover any associated costs. 


If the the dogs coat is servery matted the groomer may recommend and preform demanding procedure subject to an additional charge. The client agrees to this procedure after behinh informed of its necessity. 

Late arrivals 

The client is expected to arrive on time for their appiontment . The client arrives late the groomer reserves the right to adjust the grooming session duration and services accordingly. 

Use of products 

The groomer will use professional grade grooming products during the session. If the client prefers specific products due to their dogs sensitive they may provide these products to the groomer before the session. 


The groomer shall not be held liable for any injury,  illnesses or accidents that may occur to the dog during or after grooming , except cases of proven negligence. 


Either party may terminate this agreement with written notice if the other party breaches any terms of agreement or any other justifiable reason. 

Governing law 

This agreement shall be governed by the construed in accordance with the laws of ceredigion , great Britain.  Any dispute arising from this agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in United kingdom. 


The groomer has the right to cancel a groom if fleas are found on dog during a grooming sessions advice will be given and full groom fee will apply , please check the dog prior to dog groom appointment.